Simple Fish Fry/Vanjara Meen varuval

A simple/easy and tasty fish fry. Can use any type of fish which is available. Here I have used Vanjara Meen( King Fish). All you need is to marinate the fish with some spice for couple of hours or overnight and then shallow fry. Have it with rice and a nice gravy and enjoy your fish fry.

Vanjara Meen( King Fish) - 4 or 5 Piece
Chilli powder - 1 - 1 1/2 tbsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp
Vinegar or Lime Juice - 1 tbsp
Salt as needed
Oil for shallow frying
Bread crumbs - very little ( optional)

Wash fish with half of turmeric and dry out. In a different bowl combine all the ingredients that is chilli powder, turmeric powder, ginger garlic paste, vinegar or lime juice salt and mix well.

Apply the mix all over the fish. Cover and set it aside for 2 - 3 hours or overnight in a refridgerator. Remove at least 30 minutes before frying.If needed can coat the fish pieces with bread crumbs to make it crispy and avoid breaking into pieces. Heat oil for shallow frying. Add in the pieces in small batches and fry in low flame for 10 - 12 minutes. Turning very gently. Cover with a lid for fast cooking and also to retain the juice inside the fish. Remove and serve.

13 comments/Reactions:

Priya Suresh said...

Mouthwatering fish fry, tempting..

Nithu Bala said...

Thanks Padma for your support and wishes:-)

Nisha said...

Wow looks wonderful

Sushma Mallya said...

Mouthwatering Padma..its my fav fish miss it so much as I don't get this fish in UK..how r u and things at ur end?..keep in touch:)

Namitha said...

Kingfish is best when it's fried...You made me drool, Padma..:-)

Unknown said...

ONly fish I truly like is only kingfish!...looks crisp and tasty!

Pushpa said...

Delicious vanjaram meen fry.

Swathi said...

Fish fry looks delicious Padma.

PriyaRaj said...

yummy fry ..looks perfect dear .

Rekha shoban said...

simple and easy fry...looks crispy!!

Tes said...

Your fish looks so crispy and flavourful! I just love this recipe :)

notyet100 said...

yummy this looks

Anonymous said...

its really yummy...!!!!!!!!!

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