Cooking with seeds is an event started by Priya. Who does not know Priya in this blogosphere. Just visit her space and you will find more than 1000 recipes. I just admire her cooking I do wonder how she has the energy to post atleast 2 recipes every day. Just give her a
ingredient and she can use it in any form and prepare from appetiser to desert. I am happy to host her event for the month of June and have chosen pepper as the theme.
Pepper is one of the most popular and oldest of spices, and has a pungent odor, exotic flavor and aroma. The specialty of pepper is that the same fruit can be processed differently to produce four kinds of peppercorn: black, white, red and green. Of these, black pepper is the most common,
while white pepper is used in some cuisines. The outer hull or mesocarp is removed to produce white pepper. The mesocarp has some sugar and volatile aromatic compounds, so white
pepper has a different flavor, while retaining the pungency. Pepper has nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These include carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin K, iron, manganese, calcium,
phosphorus and iron. The mesocarp has a resin called chavicine which gives the pungency. Pepper is commonly known as an ingredient in cooking, but it also has many health benefits. Pepper is a digestive and stimulant, which stimulates the taste buds and the appetite; it
also increases hydrochloric acid which aids digestion.
Due to the antioxidant qualities, pepper neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, and prevents skin problems and degenerative diseases. The anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to eliminate toxins through sweating and even prevent cancer.
To know more about the benefits click here.
All you have to do is just prepare any dish using pepper as one of the ingredient and post it in your blog. Can send in both vegetarian and Non vegetarian dishes. Entries sent to this event can be sent to other events. No problem if you have any recipes in your archives, all you have to do is
just repost and link back to this post and also to Priya's event announcement
( ) .
Linking both is a must. No problem if you don't have a blog, just send in your recipe along
with a picture of the dish to my email id
Here are the details that you have to send:-
Your Name:
Blog Name:
Recipe Name:
Recipe URL:
Photo with size( 300 X 300 px ):
Using of logo is preferrable.

Thanks and expecting your entries. Will be posting the roundup on first week of July.
26 comments/Reactions:
Happy hosting Dear..Hope you are enjoying the vacation..will send you entries soon..
Padma, lovely theme. Happy hosting. Will surely send in my recipes :)
Thanks for hosting Padma, even with ur busy schedule, lovely logo dear, will definitely send my entries soon..enjoy ur vacation..
A great event! Happy hosting!
Enjoy your vacation!
Hmm,,Padma whole pepper n powder adding in recipes gives natural flavour dear..Sure, i will send my recipes to ur event.
welcome back!! Happy hosting,super logo..
Wow that so wonderful event..count me in dear.Hope your enjoying your vacation. Lovely logo.
Happy Hosting.
Happy hosting Padma,
Lovely theme for this event...Am glad to send my recipes here...C u soon.
creative logo
I have 2 dishes to send to you with pepper and I am also sending these to Priya's Onion event as well, hope that's okay.
Happy Hosting & nice pepper creative logo.. will try to participate dear..
Wonderful theme, Padma..We will also send our entries soon..
Hey wonderful padma.. nice event and happy hosting. will send you my entries soon..
Hey nic evnt...will sned in my entry soon...can count me for sure....
Hi pAdma first time here..landed thru nithus blog wud like to send some entries and do count me in..u have lovely space..shall follow u :) if u get time do chk
Nice choice Padma,will definitely try to send some some
hi Padma first time here. Wow nice blog and nice collection of recipes. Nice event. I will send recipes soon.
If u get time pls
Happy hosting Padma ! Hope you had a great vacation...
Happy hosting I have sent in an email with a chicken curry. You have a nice blog.
Hope you are enjoying your vacation in India :) Happy hosting :)
glad to hear that you are hosting this event! will surely send my entry... enjoy your vacation!
Have a nice vacation. Will send in something :)
first time here. lovely event. will surely send in my entries.
Enjoy your vacation!nice event.will send some soon.
Padma, you have a beautiful space and wonderful recipe collection. I would love to send my entry too to this event.
Very Good Event :)
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