Next will be posting an other interesting recipe from her. She is really an excellent cook and does a lot of catering in and around Toronto and of course lot of her snacks are highly in demand. But now due to some reasons she has reduced all those a bit and does only on special requests. We personally love her Sodhi, Parotta, boondi ladoo and many more.
Now lets go on to the recipe
Rava/Ravai/Sooji - 1 cup
Onion - 1 small chopped fine
Ginger - 1 inch chopped fine
Green chillies - 4 or 5 chopped fine
Curry leaves - 6 - 7 chopped
Coriander leaves - few chopped
Salt as needed
Oil for deep frying

Heat oil for deep frying. Take a small ball size of the vadai mixture. Use a cloth/paper towel or plastic bags and with the help of your fingers press to spread them as thinly as possible. Carefully drop them in oil and deep fry till crisp. Repeat until you are done with all the mix and enjoy them as a snack anytime or with a cup of coffee or tea in the evening.
49 comments/Reactions:
Nice yummy snack padma
Never heard of this vada sounds very interesting !
looks great...would be great with lunch or even at tea time :)
Soooo cute and crispy...
yummy with hot tea
This is very scrumptious and appetizing!
Wow Padma, I must thank u and ur aunt to share such a nice recipe with all of us. The vadai looks so crisp, perfect evening snack.
new and interesting vada...nice evening snack!
Interesting recipe for Vada... Thanks to your Aunt for sharing the recipe.
Crispy rava vadai looks truly prefect...
interesting vada..neva tried wth rava..looks yummmy n trully delicious..thx 4 sharing!
looks perfect crispy tea time snack dear ...want to have it with 1 cup of tea right now..
crispy crispy...u made me feel hungry...
yummyy vada.. looks crispy and delicious.. nice clicks too.. :)
They look so perfect and yummy!!
Looks so yummy..must be crispy..
Vadai looks so crispy and delicious, thanks for sharing Padma...
Crispy n yummy tea time snack...must try...
very nice..going to try this for april 14th
nice creatinve idea of using rava...delicious
Lovely vada padma luks very cripy.very healthy recipe thanks for sharing this recipe.
Paruppu vadai and masal vadai is common but rava vadai? looks crunchy..may be for festivals we can make it for a change..
Hi Padma,
It is so nice of your athai to share her recipe with you. It also takes some effort on her part to look into your blog and see that you have not posted something. Tell her the pictures look great and the recipe is unique too. Good job Gomathi Athai.Thanks for sharing your recipe.
wow padma..looks crispy.
Lovely crispy Vada!! graet snack..
Rava vadai is so flaky n bet it should be very tasty too,thanks to your aunt for the recipe n to you for sharing the recipe padma.
Interesting recipe Padma :-) Would be a perfect tea time snack
A new version of vada to me. Thanks to Gomathi athai for sharing this recipe thro' u. Looking forward for many more :):) Loved the crispy and crunch looking vadais.
I have never seen vadas with rava as an ingredient. Worth a try.
Quiet an interesting one padma, i have not heard abt this before but surely i can say it is delicious...
Sounds interesting,liked it
Sounds interesting,liked it
A very interesting combination !
Nutritious snack !
vadai looks crispy!!
pls collect ur award from my blog
Very interesting and crispy vadai Padma...I am going to try this one dear :)
That's a new dish and looks absolutely fantastic!
Looks delicious!
Crispy vadas, looks tempting and delicious.
Tempting & Interesting recipe,Vada looks crispy & Perfect
Love the sound of these vadais, looks delicious !
Looks crisp and yummy..
wow.. nice recipe.. looks perfect & yummy..
Pls Collect ur award from my blog dear
Wow..this is a yumy snack..Completely new and uniq to me....
woww..super crispy snack..loved the snap.. :)
then how r u padma..im struggling here with baby..nw she is of 2months..troubling me alot..only twice in a month i come in blogging space..den in night i wl post comments to all my friends, mostly till 3 or whn she sleeps.thats d reason of delay..k..hope you are doing fine. :)
Perfect even snack !! crispy and tasty !!
Crispy, yummy vadas! Havent heard of rava vada before..
Looks very simple and easy to make.
My wife Pushpa says you can also add cashew nuts to the dough to enhance the taste
V S Gopalarathnam
Thank u Mr.Gopalarathnam and Mrs.Pushpa for your suggestion. Liked your idea of adding some cashewnuts to the dough. Definitely would enhance the taste. Thanks again.
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