Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp
Pepper corns - 8 - 10
Ginger - 1 inch
Tulasi leaves - 4 - 5( or 1/4 tsp of powder)
Panagal Kandu - 1 tbsp
In place of pangal kandu can use honey or Karupatti( Palm jaggery). I do not have karupatti right now. Will update the post once I get it. But it is also added in preparation of coffee in my native by substituting sugar.
If using honey, then mix it just before drinking.
Heat a pan and dry roast coriander seeds and pepper corns in medium flame for a minute. Remove and lightly crush with a stone pestle. No need to mash and break it fully, just if some has been broken is fine enough. Take them in a vessel, also add crushed ginger and tulasi leaves. Add around 3 cups of water and allow it to boil. Let it reduce to half the quantity. Add panagal kandu and wait till it melts. Strain through a tea filter and drink warm.
In place of tulasi leaves, I have used tulasi powder( Made fresh back home). Where my mom washes and dries them in shade. Then pack it up. No need to powder as it will get powdered by handling itself.
This is best to have when we have severe cold and cough. Relieves us from congestion and soothes our throat. Best if had before going to bed.
Can be taken by anyone, but reduce the quantity if giving for kids.
Sending this to "Home Remedies" event hosted by A2Z Vegetarian Cuisine

44 comments/Reactions:
Its really helpful me. I'm sick now cough and cold:(
good one.. reminds me of home when we got a cold I would try to run some of this down my throat.. thanks for the recipe
Nice Patti Vaidhiyam.....thanks for sharing
A very helpful tip dear! Thanks for sharing.
gr8 kashayam recipe Padma with simple ingredients
Take care Suvaiyana Suvai. I know this weather makes us all sick.
Thank you Nostalgia, Sailaja, Rachan and Vrinda.
Oh that brings back all nostalgic memories...mommy used to make them, whenever i have cough and cold!!Very helpful padma..Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Sangeetha. I know when my mom and grandma used to make, we used to cry to drink this. But now I know how good it is :)
age old recipes are the ones that are hard to find. thank u for this recipe....
beautiful tablescape..
Thanks Padma! This is just perfect for the event..See you at the roundup..
My mom too makes this substitutions sounds interesting...lovely pictures :)
even my mom used to give this one when i had cold...but i didnt know what were the ingredients used in it...thanks for sharing padma, nice useful one
Hi Padma,
Lovely post with healthy ingredients! I badly want to make this..But do we get panakalkandu here in US?
Healthy one and beautiful presentation!
Nice presentation and gud for cold...
Good kashayam. Click is too good. Thanks for sharing the tip abt drying Tulasi and using it as and when needed. Very good idea and handy too.
Oh my..Making me nostalgic...this was like a medicine for all illness during my childhood..
Thanx for the recipe..
home made simple remedies r always welcome.Thanks for sharing the kashayam recipe.
I remember my grandma making this often... Looks hearty!
lovely pictures & warming kashaya
true its a real healthy one
My 5 yr old is having cold and cough for the last one month....will try this one now...thanks for the recipe!
Hmm....its even good to consume in these winters...nice snaps too
Prefect drink for this chilled weather, i can have it everyday..
Very nice remedy Padma, a lot of people will get benefitted by this.
What a lovely presentation Padma! The drink sounds very promising for cold and flu, let me try this the next time i m down with cold :)
This is an all in one remedy kashayam. Works like magic.
nie entry dear...effective one
nice presentation& good for cough..its very useful for me.thxs padma!!
hmm i could use some of it now, very sick, i will try making it today. Padma i have an award for u, pls accept it
Nice one dear...
its a great the click too
great tip Padma ...
Pls accept ur award from my blog dear
Thanks for this kashayam recipe dear. In my home town too we drink karupatti that taste always:)
I have heard about Kashyam, but had no idea about the ingredients added to it. Thanks for the recipe Padma, very useful recipe dear:)
Healthy tips for cold...thanks for sharing..
Very useful recipe, Padma will try it one day...
ரொம்ப நல்லாருக்குங்க, குளிருக்கும்,ஜலதோசத்திற்க்கும் ஏற்ற பாணம் இது. நான் பதிவர்கள் வீட்டு சமையலறையில் என்று ஒரு கலாட்டா பதிவு போட்டுள்ளேன். மொத்தம் இரண்டு பதிவுகள். கண்டிப்பாக நீங்கள் படித்து விட்டு என்னைத் திட்டவும். நன்றி.
Beautiful presentation, now I could drink it without any questions.:):)
Lovely presentation Padhu... And its one of the best home remedies one can fall back upon... I remember my grandma use Karuppatti for coffee!!! nice to see this post!!!
kashayam looks really good Padma. Great for this weather...
Thanks so much for this Padma. My mom, dad and I were sick recently. Drinking this concoction daily brought brought everyone back to normal!!!
Thanks so much for this Padma.
My mom, Dad and I all got sick at once recently. Had this concoction daily, and within no time everyone was back to their normal self.
This reminds me of my grandma's recipe which sadly no one remembered in the family. Luckily I can came across your website and was able to put to use the knowledge of our elders. :)
Hi Mrs.Padma, thanks for sharing. I'm trying this kashayam for my 4 year old daughter. She has bad cough, flu & flame in lungs. Hope can recover. How much to give her ya?
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