The Kreativ Blogger award comes with some rules:-
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated
Since this has to be passed only to 7 bloggers, I am nominating the following blogger friends, wish I could pass it on to all my blogger friends.
Kavitha of Kavithavin Kaivannam
Preethi of Preethi's Online cook book
Ann of Happy and Healthy Cooking
Shubha of Munchcrunchandsuch
Hari Chandana of Indian Cuisine
Hema of Salt to Tast
Bergamot of Cooking Escapades
1. I really should thank my mom first from whom I got so much interest in cooking as she herself used to try a lot of dishes mainly from magazines. It was always me whom she called first for help in the kitchen and watching her made me try out more after my marriage.
2. Love to learn different languages, though can speak few very fluently would like to learn many more.
3. I love to cook 3 meals a day with different dishes, but my sons choice will be dosas with chutney/idli podi(gun powder) which will make me mad.
4. Though I come from a family where Non veg is cooked very often, I am a strict vegetarian( Eggeterian). I opted that on my own many years back in my school days itself. Occasionally cook non veg dishes just for my family.
5. Have you ever seen a person who does not take/like yogurt/curd. I am one such :)
6. Love to take part and organize in many social/cultural activities, would either be a cultural co-ordinator or a food coordinator.
7. I don't keep a organiser to list down friends/family members birthdays/anniversaries as it is always in my mind and I am also the first one to wish them. Love long walks especially with friends and that too in summer where we spend most of our evenings outside. One thing I feel bad is summer is short here.
33 comments/Reactions:
Oh Thanks Padma for the Award. Thanks for thinking about me!!
Congrats Padma ..........
Congrats on your well deserved Award !!! It was good to read about you, Specially to know that we share 2 common things..one that you dont like yogurt..lol..me too..I never clean even if my kids make a mess of yogurt..another is Even I remember birthdays, phone numbers, even address provided they dont keep on changing their numbers...lollllllolll...Good Luck
thank u for the award Padma..its so thoughtful of u to think of me for the award. will take it up in a day..btw, abt ur point #7, i can see that it i9s 100% true..ur comment is always the first in many blogs.
Congrats padma!
Congrats Padma, and How interesting to know that you dont like curd... WOO! maybe the first person I ever met.
Thanks a lot to share that award with me, I'm so honored.
Congrats Padma.
Thanks Hema, Kalyani :)
@ Sadhana/ Muskaan... am happy to know that there is someone who is just like me about curds ;)
@ Shubha, Rekha and Ann .. thanks :)
Thanks Anu :)
Congrats Padma on your award :) That was an interesting read and nice to know more about you! Was really surprised to know that you dont like yogurt/curd :) Yeah its tough to change a kid's mind!
congrats on ur award dear
thank u so much padma!!! U r so sweet:)
Not only r u the first to wish ppl on their b'days, u r also the first to write comments and encourage other bloggers!
Keep up the great job!
don't like youguuurt????? OMG...thtz interesting!
I like the fact that u r a converted vegetarian :) It is not a big deal for us who have not tasted it... I really appreciate u!
hi padma,
Congratulations on the award :)
Its nice to know more about u ...I too don't take/like curd/buttermilk/butter in plain form ;) so same pinch on that :)
Good going dearie :)
God Bless!
Congrats on your Padma.
Congratulations on the award dear, u deserve it...u dont like yogurt????? i cant live without it, i have it everyday :) hey i too remember birthday or any other special occassion naturally..same pinch :)
congratulations padma :)
Congrats Padma.Great going...You don't like yoghurt???? I cannot ever become a vegan only because I will never give up yoghurt!!!Same pinch with you and Parita on this and remembering birthdays and anniversaries..
Congrats Padma, Loved reding your post dear.
Congratulations on your award!
Congratulations Padma on well deserved award.
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Hey congrats padma for this lovely award ...
Hey you don't like curd ... that's really strange ... I guess you are the only person ....
Thanks for the award... i am delighted...now i got think of the seven things and of course nominate seven blogger from this wonderful community of food bloggers
Congratulations on your Award!!... I am very happy to receive the award... Thanks for thinking about me..you made my day!!.. keep rocking.. :)
COngrats on your award dear :)
Congrats on your award Padma
Congrats dear.Great post and nice to know more abt you.
congrats on ur award dear!
Congrats on u'r award!!It was interesting to read a few facts abt u..Iam really surprised that u can remember all the important dates without a reminder..Iam sooo bad at it..I totally depend upon my yahoo reminder..
congrats Padma on ur award its nice to know few things abt u ....
Congrats on the award Padma..happy to know more about you..enjoy
Congrts on ur welldeserved award ...Looks like very intresting person ur ...All the best dear keep rocking :)
Congrats padma..! Extending FIl to 31st, so do send more..!
Congrats Padma! wish u all success...
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