There is a story. When British people ruling us, they couldn't pronounce most of our dish names(eg. kozhi-varuval). In the military menu list, this item was 65th item. So, they started calling the dish name as chicken65. Since most of the british people liked this dish, the name remained. - Details given by one of my reader in my comment box, so thought of posting it so the other readers can know about chicken 65 .
This is a recipe shared in by my friend Sheela. This dish can be served as a starter or as dry side dish with some spicy rice or chicken biryani :)
Bone less chicken - 3 lbs
Corn flour - 5 tsp
All purpose flour/maida - 3 tsp
Ginger garlic paste - 2 tbsp
Salt as needed
Chilli powder - 1 1/2 tbsp
Red food colour - a pinch ( optional)
Egg white - 2
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Oil for deep frying
Clean and cut chicken into small pieces, apply turmeric powder and wash well. Drain water and keep aside.
In a mixing bowl take corn flour, all purpose flour, ginger garlic paste and mix lightly. To it add 2 egg white and with a whisk/churner whisk well till the foam from the egg white comes up. To it add salt, chilli powder and food colour and mix. Then add the cut chicken pieces and mix well so everything gets mixed up and keep it aside for 2 - 3 hours.
Heat oil in a frying pan and drop the marinated chicken pieces in small batches and deep fry till crisp. The egg binding will help to retain the juice inside, so when you have a bind you can feel the crispness and also the juicy taste of the chicken.
Sending this entry to Viki's "The Potluck Chicken"

32 comments/Reactions:
Looking at it makes me crave it.I bet I would have tried it if i am a non-vegetarian.
chicken 65 is my favourite dish ! can i have some???
Thanks Kalai and Pooja for ur comments :)
Kalai you can try the same with cauli and can add egg if you want :)
Pooja sure you are welcome :)
Wow crunchy,juicy,delicious Chicken 65! One of my favourites!
I have heard so much about this dish..looks great!!
yummy yummy, one of my favorite chicken dishes too!!
Padma.. this looks awesome.. wish to have it now...... :)
Thanks Pooja, Parita, Akal's and Lena :D
Yummy and crunchy. Looks delicious.
Chicken 65 looks crispy and delish Padama,perfect for the event...
looks so ccute! why is it called 65?
Looking so crispy..
I would have finished it ..if it is cauliflower he he
Thanks Valar, Vrinda, Preeti and Pavithra :)
Preeti no idea why it is called as 65 ... :) :) :)
Pavithra I too will join u if it is cauliflower :)
Looks really nice and crispy.
wow nice color perfect snack looks so delicious
its my fav. appetizer ... ur pictures looks tempting padma ....
Wow padma . Nice recipe . I love dry preparation of chicken very much . Will try you version .
Oh wow looks yummylicious....very nice entry for the event....
lovely quick and easy one...
I love such easy recipes...
lovely chicken dear
My favourite!!!!!makes me hungry!
padma i have something waiting for you in my blog !
Chicken 65 looks great,will try ur version..
Chicken 65 looks great,will try ur version..
Thanks guys :)
Looks so divine and colorful!!! I love the dry version, shall try your version!!! bookmarked!!! thanks to your friend sheela
this is my favourite, looks so yummmm Padma!
Chicken 65, How the name came?
There is a story. When British people ruling us, they couldn't pronounce most of our dish names(eg. kozhi-varuval). In the military menu list, this item was 65th item. So, they started calling the dish name as chicken65. Since most of the british people liked this dish, the name remained.
Thanks so much for letting us know the name behind it or how it got its name. will post it soon .
Looks delish..will try it soon!
Hi Padma,
I tried this out yesterday and it was awesome :) Thanks so much for sharing this recipe !
I also added a few drops of lemon juice to the fried chicken before serving
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